Come before Winter has invited me to be a part of the team for the Croatia renewal July 10-21.
  • $4,880


  • $4,600


  • 3


  • 5

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • Patti Kendall

    $206.40 / 43 days ago

    Have a wonderful trip, chock full to overflowing with blessings! I look forward to hearing all about it.

  • Anonymous

    $2,373.60 / 58 days ago

  • Anonymous

    $2,300.00 / 149 days ago

About Linda Tyler

Come before Winter has blessed me through the renewals I attended while in E. Africa. To be invited to join the team to encourage women who are serving God and sharing His love in E Europe is an honor and a blessing. I am excited for the opportunity!! Your donation will help with my transportation and expenses as well as make it possible for 3 women from the area to attend without cost to them. Thank you for your prayers and support. __________________________________________________ If you'd prefer to mail a check, make it out to Come before Winter and send it to the following address: Come before Winter P.O. Box 203381 Austin, TX 78720 Come before Winter is a 501(c)(3) organization and makes every effort to ensure accurate reporting of your donations so that we can supply you with necessary tax documentation. If the information you receive from our office does not match your records, or if you fail to receive the needed documentation, please contact our office at (512) 216-2060 or email our Executive Director at Thank you for your support of Come before Winter.