CbW Women's Renewal - Europe 2024

Amy McLaughin-Sheasby / Women's Renewal - Europe 2024

Come before Winter has invited me to be a part of a team that will host a renewal in Europe next summer. I hope you will consider partnering with me as we prepare to serve the women who attend!
  • $530


  • $4,600


  • 10


  • 4

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • Kimberly Knapp

    $20.64 / 136 days ago

    What you're doing not only matters for those you're serving, your setting examples of what Love looks like, what it means to use & share the Gifts He's imparted us • and that my darlings is what we're here for🙏 #BigGroupHug

  • April Golden

    $20.64 / 149 days ago

  • Sara Barton

    $25.00 / 170 days ago

  • Marian Phillips

    $25.80 / 171 days ago

  • Shara Dishon

    $51.60 / 208 days ago

  • Christine Shepler

    $25.80 / 212 days ago

    I know this will be life changing for you ♥️

  • Julie Stanley

    $51.60 / 217 days ago

  • Don McLaughlin

    $103.20 / 217 days ago

    We love you Dr. McLaughlin-Sheasby, and thank you for letting us have a part in supporting the great work you are doing through Come Before Winter. Mom and Dad

  • Shauna Roberts

    $103.20 / 218 days ago

  • Marlene Russell

    $103.20 / 242 days ago

    So grateful for the opportunity to be a part of these efforts for such an amazing outreach.

About CbW Women's Renewal - Europe 2024

Dear friends, thank you for visiting my fundraising page! Come before Winter is a ministry that has been serving women across the globe for over two decades. As a ministry, they are dedicated to providing rest, support, encouragement, and equipping for women ministers and missionaries. Last summer I joined CbW to host a renewal (like a retreat, but with curriculum) in Nairobi, Kenya, where I experienced the deep honor of serving women who have given their lives in service to their communities. I met women who run orphanages, and haven't had a "day off" in years. I met women who are on the frontlines in the fight to expand education across their countries. I met women who are leaders in their faith communities, offering their voices and gifts to edify others. It is truly a remarkable thing to witness God at work in a weary world. I invite you to partner with me as I raise funds for this renewal next summer in Europe. Your contributions will help cover my travel, but more importantly, will cover the costs of three participants who attend the renewal. In total, I need to raise $4600. Every little bit helps! Whether you can give $5, or $500, your partnership means the world to me, and will make a tremendous impact in the lives of the women we will serve. 

If you'd prefer to mail a check, make it out to Come before Winter and send it to the following address: 
Come before Winter 
P.O. Box 203381 
Austin, TX 78720 

Come before Winter is a 501(c)(3) organization and makes every effort to ensure accurate reporting of your donations so that we can supply you with necessary tax documentation. If the information you receive from our office does not match your records, or if you fail to receive the needed documentation, please contact our office at (512) 216-2060 or email our Executive Director at jocelyn@comebeforewinter.org. Thank you for your support of Come before Winter.